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Platz-Max For Tractors

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Platz-Max For Tractors


The conventional trailed fixed arena leveler drag moves the ground to the middle of the arena.. Platz-Max NL with its unique construction works against this result.

The swiveling mechanism of the arena groomer makes cornering easy without displacing the floor. So the operator can circumnavigated without having an effect on the quality of maintenance.

Regarding the lattice roller option (GW) of the Platz-Max. Thought has been given to many modern surfaces and textiles, which need to be conditioned.

A deeper blending of the surface is of course possible, particularly with regard to surfaces with parts of fibre, where the fibre will be on the top because of not enough water. By adjusting the working depth the machine conforms easily to the respective surface to achieve the required result.

There is a counter rotating feed gear inside the roller. It prevents the plugging of the roller by the surface.This give an all purpose tool for the professional maintenance of differents surfaces. It is very easy to change the depth of tines and can be adjusted within minutes to suit your surface.

This unit is available with a choice of either the Crumble Roller or the Lattice Roller for compacting the surface. This unit is available in a variety of width sizes from 1.35meters to 2.7 meters


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